Saturday, February 27, 2010

Babies Having Babies

I am a frequent watcher of Maury. Even though he usually has guests wanting paternity tests but one episode really bothered me. His guests were teenage girls, none more than 16 years old. All of them wanted desperately to have a baby. Some girls were sleeping with random men, multiple times a day just to have a chance of conceiving.

This completely blows my mind. I know in my heart that one day I would like to have a family, but not for at least five more years. I think these girls are wanting that "unconditional love" that a child brings, but they are obviously not mature enough to provide for them the way a baby needs. I don't think they realize just how expensive having a baby is. Nor are they ready for the grueling sleepless nights.

It makes me think back to when I was 16 and how naive I was to so many things. I have learned so much about myself since then. Who I want to be, where I want to go with my life. Five years doesn't seem like it's that much time, but there were so many experiences, good and bad, that taught me more about myself. These experience I will be able to explain to my daughter or son one day and they will hopefully be able to learn from my mistakes. These teenagers would only be setting a bad example for their children and ultimately ruining their future.

1 comment:

  1. I see what you mean. My cousin goes to Lincoln Park HIgh and she told me the school has a daycare for students. She said girls pop babies like rabbits.

    What are girls thinking these days? Having babies at such an early age. If I don't want kids now that I'm 24 because of the numerous responsibilities, I would not even consider of running away at age 14.

    Talking about a different cousin of mine, she actually ran away with her boyfriend at age 13 or 14 because she wanted to have a baby. She was a freshman in high school. Until today, she has not gotten pregnant. She is an honor student, but when it comes to making life decisions, she is horrible.
