Friday, February 26, 2010

DTE Doesn't Want to Take the Blame

The other night I was watching the news. One of the stories was about a neighborhood in Clarkston that experienced a power surge. About four or five people gave were shown that had experienced burned wires and damage to electronics, most of the costs exceeding a thousand dollars. When they contacted DTE, the energy company would not claim the damages and give the people money. Investigators concluded that it was fault of DTE that caused the power surge.

DTE should have their insurance pay for the damages done to these people's homes. The electrical wiring in their homes caught fire! What if their houses burned down because no one was home to put the fires out quickly. And most of their electronics are ruined! It just doesn't seem like companies stand behind their product anymore, whether it's an actual thing or a service. There is a certain decency that is required when working with the public. People just don't seem to have that anymore.

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