Thursday, February 18, 2010

Snow Days Can Screw You Over

Last week, on Tuesday night, there was a snow storm and classes were canceled for the evening. Like everyone else, I was so excited!! I had a paper due for my class that night. My professor had sent us all an email telling us to submit our papers online. For some reason, I automatically thought that she would post a link on Blackboard so we could upload our papers. I waited a few days, still no link. Since there was not a submission link, I thought I would be able to just turn my paper in during the next class. I was wrong. I met with my group a few days later and they said they had all emailed the paper to her. I freaked out. It never occurred to me to just send an email, since I already had in my mind there would be a post on Blackboard. I had this professor last year and I knew for a fact she would not accept late work, so I didn't even bother bringing it up this week. Now, instead of rejoicing about that snow day, I know that if we would have had class I would have turned my paper in on time with no problems. Very frustrating.


  1. Doesn't that suck. Don't you wish email never existed. That way if class was cancelled, you wouldn't have to turn in the work. Maybe we wouldn't even have blog assignments. To bad we can't all have what we want. Life was so much simple back in the day. I think I'm going to buy and Island and live there by myself.

  2. Hey, I understand. Most of the time, snow days are used to blow off an entire day; then we wind up playing catch up on the days we have class. It's funny how the slightest thing can throw you off. It's an learning experience though. I believe most college students forget we are in school to learn. Most of the time school holds down a place of an job. I just hope things workout next time and remember things happen.

  3. There's always that Wimeo virtual classroom thing. Some professors still make you go to class through that.
