Thursday, February 4, 2010

Help Desk Doesn't Help

I went to the help desk on campus the other day with a problem involving my computer. I've always had issues with the supervisors in that department so I was not excited about having to go. The gentleman that assisted me was very helpful and solved my problem. But while he was fixing my computer, one of the supervisors was complaining about how she did not want to be at work and just wanted the day to be over with already. This comment was very unprofessional and showed a lack of customer service. Even if you are having a bad day, do not make it known to your customers. It's just rude.


  1. This happens a lot at my work. The problem is, I work at a hospital. Someone said something like this in front of a patient when I was working on Christmas. I could only imagine what the patient thought.

  2. Leah, I agree with you that was not nice and rude. Trust me there's so many students that has the same issues with the Help Desk department. To be hoenst, I hate going there for so many reasons. I truly try not to go there if i'm in a good mood. The only time I go is when my mood is already bad. I'll never show up there if i'm in a good mood.
