Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Love Is Love

I saw on TV a storyline about a homosexual man who was in a relationship with the man of his dreams. He had told his parents about the relationship, but his partner had not. The partner told his parents that he found the love of his life, but that it was another man. The partner's family told him that he must cut off all ties with his boyfriend or else they would not continue to support him financially, whether it be for school, transportation, or even to stay at the home.

I don't understand how a family can treat their child in this manner. To me, it doesn't matter who you love, as long as you are honest and true about it. I would not disown my son or daughter if they told me they had fallen in love with someone of the same sex. I understand that religious affiliation is a big part of this. To me, it's more important to have an open mind and live a good life... but that's a whole other blog topic.

I think people are most afraid of what is different culturally at the time. For example, when my grandparents were dating, there was a huge stigma on their relationship. My grandmother was raised Jewish, my grandfather Catholic. Her family frowned down upon her relationship, but they made it work.

Hopefully the next generation will be more accepting of people who are different or do not fall into their box of what is acceptable. Everyone just needs to open their minds and their hearts and love each other.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I am actually making a documentary on homosexuality and the process of coming out to family and friends. The biggest problem I have seen with people who are different are other peoples ability to be comfortable with change. Its like their comfort level has to be adjusted to the fact someone else has a same sex partner. I have friends who are homeless because their family doesn't accept them and even some friends who have been fired from their job because of the homosexual life style. I don't knock anyone from loving who ever they love but homosexuality seems to give the world grief I just don't understand.
