Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Weather Makes Me Feel Happy! : )

This past week the weather has been absolutely gorgeous! It's so nice to wake up with the sun shining and birds chirping. The air even smells fresher. The nice weather makes me feel so rejuvenated and motivated.

I can understand how people get depressed when the weather is dreary. Actually, I think I suffer from that mildly during winter months. I heard once that Seattle has the highest amounts of rainy days in the United States, as well as the highest percentage of suicides per year. Pretty depressing, but I can understand the correlation. Obviously, bad weather doesn't make me THAT depressed, but I definitely lose motivation and feel, well, just blah.

I'm happy that spring is on its way. Spring appears to be on its way at least. Until we get our April in Michigan snow storm.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, I was born in the winter so its O.K. with me but the couple of weeks when the weather breaks and things get jumping outside are the best. Oh yeah that april snow fall is always the
