Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's the Final Countdown of the Semester

I feel pretty proud of myself this semester. I would usually put off all of my work until the last minute, but I've been pretty on top of it (for the most part). I've found that for myself, the longer I put it off, the less I want to do it. I think this semester was better for me because I took classes that I actually interested me. I do much better with the writing aspect of media. Last semester I took Intro to Video Production and it was probably the hardest class I've ever taken It was even worse than the math and science class I had! I know that learning about editing and cameras is going to benefit me for my career, but it doesn't interest me at all. I would much rather write or be a talent for a production. I wish there were more classes that focused on that aspect of the media.

Highlights? Help me decide! : )

I'm thinking about getting my hair highlighted for the summer. I've never had it colored before, so I'm kind of nervous about it. A friend of a friend is currently in cosmetology school and can do it fairly cheaply. She's in the "advanced" course and is close to getting her certificate, but I'm really particular about my hair. I've been seeing my normal hair stylist for about two years and we've been talking about coloring my hair for quite some time. I would almost feel guilty giving my business to my friend's friend. Plus, my current stylist knows what I like and has a lot more experience. I am a firm believer of the saying "You get what you pay for," but money is kind of tight. What to do, what to do?
(This is what I want it to look like)

Pay It Forward (Spoiler Alert)

I watched Pay It Forward for a little bit today. The theme of this movie is that anyone can make a difference, whether you're a child, or an adult. You never know that if what you do or what you say effects others. It has to be one of my favorite movies of all time. I love the concept that a seventh-grader can come up with an idea that changes the world for the better. I think some of the best ideas come from or are inspired by the purity of children. The only aspect of this movie that I just can't understand is why Trevor has to die in the end. Maybe it's supposed to represent the loss of the purity of children? I just don't see how this reflects the overall message of the picture.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Writing for Television

After reading the first few chapters of our TV writing book, I've been thinking about which show I would like to write for if I had the choice. I realized that about 80 percent of the shows I watch on a regular basis are from the 90's and have been off the air for years. I love shows like Seinfeld, Married With Children, Sex in the City, and Everyone Loves Raymond. The only other show I really watch is Lost, but that show has a definite ending and there will be no way to come up with a concept.

The other 20 percent of my television watching is (sadly) reality TV. Now I'm sure that a lot of the situations and scenarios are scripted, but they are all very similar. I don't know how to be a writer for a reality TV show. Actually, I don't think I would want to.

The reason I've been thinking about this is because I have a strong feeling that our next assignment will be to write a script or a spec script. I want to have a few ideas so I'm not struggling to think of something when it gets closer to the end.

Love Is Love

I saw on TV a storyline about a homosexual man who was in a relationship with the man of his dreams. He had told his parents about the relationship, but his partner had not. The partner told his parents that he found the love of his life, but that it was another man. The partner's family told him that he must cut off all ties with his boyfriend or else they would not continue to support him financially, whether it be for school, transportation, or even to stay at the home.

I don't understand how a family can treat their child in this manner. To me, it doesn't matter who you love, as long as you are honest and true about it. I would not disown my son or daughter if they told me they had fallen in love with someone of the same sex. I understand that religious affiliation is a big part of this. To me, it's more important to have an open mind and live a good life... but that's a whole other blog topic.

I think people are most afraid of what is different culturally at the time. For example, when my grandparents were dating, there was a huge stigma on their relationship. My grandmother was raised Jewish, my grandfather Catholic. Her family frowned down upon her relationship, but they made it work.

Hopefully the next generation will be more accepting of people who are different or do not fall into their box of what is acceptable. Everyone just needs to open their minds and their hearts and love each other.

Technology Drama

I just got through watching "True Life: I have technology drama" on MTV. There were two couples that were addicted to their Blackberry's, Facebook, and email accounts. It was to the point that they were having arguments about having a lock on their phone, who was leaving messages on their Facebook and who was leaving emails.

To me, the real issue is about trust. I don't feel the need to look through my boyfriend's phone or any other accounts because I don't feel like I need to. I'm pretty confident that he isn't talking to other girls, or going out to the strip club every night (like the guys on the show were). It's my opinion that if you are suspicious of your mate, and think he or she has something to hide, then they probably are guilty.

I'm not saying that guys are the only ones who are guilty of using technology to keep a secret life. In one of the relationships, the girl was complaining to her boyfriend that he was always on his phone and the internet, but she herself, was just as addicted! Can we say double standard??

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Weather Makes Me Feel Happy! : )

This past week the weather has been absolutely gorgeous! It's so nice to wake up with the sun shining and birds chirping. The air even smells fresher. The nice weather makes me feel so rejuvenated and motivated.

I can understand how people get depressed when the weather is dreary. Actually, I think I suffer from that mildly during winter months. I heard once that Seattle has the highest amounts of rainy days in the United States, as well as the highest percentage of suicides per year. Pretty depressing, but I can understand the correlation. Obviously, bad weather doesn't make me THAT depressed, but I definitely lose motivation and feel, well, just blah.

I'm happy that spring is on its way. Spring appears to be on its way at least. Until we get our April in Michigan snow storm.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thoughts on Dancing Documentary

The schoolkids dancing documentary was my favorite video we watched in class so far. I think it's a great idea to have this course taught in schools, especially in underprivileged communities. It lets the kids something positive to look forward to. It also gives them an outlet for any of the hostility they may have at home or with their friends. Kids need the positive influence from adults as well as their peers. It gives them an opportunity to make new friends that they might not have otherwise even talked to.

On the flip side, some schools may take the competition too seriously, such as the private school that was featured. I can understand the importance of teaching grace and etiquette, but they are just kids. It should be fun for them, not something that could bring them more stress, which is the vibe I got from that institution. That dancing coach made me anxious, and I was just watching her!

I think this class should be taught in more schools. Kids these days need to be taught more than just History, English, and Science. Things like grace, etiquette, and manners are skills that kids will use to benefit them for the rest of their lives. It might even be a good idea to have this as a course college students can take! I would be interested in taking it.

Blog Rage?

I was reading through some of my previous blogs. I'm beginning to notice that this blog is giving me an outlet to let out some of my frustrations with situations in my life. Some of my posts have been lighthearted, but lately it seems that I've been kind of venting to my blog. It's nice to have an outlet; just typing out experiences and leaving them in this web of space is turning out to be more beneficial than I previously thought. Sometimes it's nice to just empty my mind and leave all my thoughts out here. It doesn't bother me that everyone can read this. Actually, I kind of like the idea that one of my peers can read what's happening in my life and offer some suggestions or insight. I hope you guys don't think I'm a master complainer. Sometimes it's easier to rant about the things that are going wrong instead what is going right.

Monday, March 8, 2010

You Never Know Who Can Help You Out

I haven't been able to get a job for over a year now. I've been filling out applications, looking online to see if any businesses are looking for help, and came up with nothing. One of the girls in my program has been working in the Engineering offices for the past nine years. Their department just got approved to have a student assistant. My friend instantly got in touch with me and let me know. I filled out an application and got the job.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try to look for something. There are times you just need help and this is where having a good rapport with people comes in handy. Just having a wide range of people that you know can help you get where you want to go. Different people have different connections and you just never know how the impression you make on people will effect you. I think having good connections is a big part in finding a job.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Is the Such a Thing as TOO Selfless?

I find myself wondering if I've been trying too hard to do what others want instead of what is best for myself. I've been noticing that there have been things that others want me to do, and I just say yes and make commitments that I end up breaking because I don't want to do them. It's really hard for me to say no to people because I just want everyone to be happy and have a positive view of me.
One instance in particular made me reflect on this.

My friend is leaving for Germany in about a week. She wanted to go shopping to pick up a couple things before she left. She told me that she wanted to go to the outlet mall near Frankenmuth. Even though I didn't want to go all the way out there, I told her I would wake up early and go. The morning of, I really didn't feel like going all the way out there, so I ended up just blowing her off.

I should have just told her from the beginning that I didn't want to go with her. I didn't want her to be mad at me, but I ended up making her frustrated, and got her hopes up besides. I'm going to try to be more up front with people and just let them know right away if there is something I don't want to do, and not feel like I have to be pressured. I know it's going to be really hard for me though.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Vidoe Games Reduce Stress

My brother is really into video games, and has been for about 5 years. He probably has four different counsels with at least twenty games to each. I asked him why he liked them so much. He said that when he's bored or having a bad day, they help him take his mind off of what is bothering him. I never really understood that concept until last week.

My boyfriend and his friends play Call of Duty quite often. They get really into it, screaming and jumping all around because someone stole their kill. I usually just sit and watch them play. Since the graphics are really intricate, it almost seems like a TV show. Plus, watching them is pretty entertaining. One night I was really frustrated and stressed with school and such. My boyfriend had me take a turn playing the video game. It took me a while to get used to the controls and aim but I actually got someone!!! I got really excited and it actually made me feel less stressed. So the next time you feel upset, angry, frustrated, stressed, play a video game for a couple minutes. You will feel so much better!!