Saturday, January 16, 2010

"The Only Thing I Care About is Getting Girls!" (fist pump!!)

I am watching The Jersey Shore for the first time tonight. I've heard a lot about it, but never actually sat down and watched an episode. It makes me wonder what do these people due for a living? How do they make money to go out and party every night? What amuses me is how the characters (and they are characters) go on and on about how much they hate drama, and then continue to create stressful situations for themselves. These kinds of people are the perfect example of shallow, insecure souls who cannot find happiness without consuming obnoxious amounts of substances and meaningless conquests. Is this what we're promoting for our society? Is this what the youth are aspiring to be?

I sit here writing this on a Saturday night. Most people my age are probably going out to a bar (they're weekend routine) and getting hammered. I, on the other hand, would probably be considered "lame" to these people for not going out and joining. Instead I am at home, catching up on homework for next week. This is much more stimulating and satisfying than having the "best time of my life" without being able to remember it the next day. Call me lame, but I'm not going to waste myself.

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