Monday, January 25, 2010

Cooking Experience

I cannot cook, plain and simple. The most that I have been able to make is eggs, noodles, and stuff that you throw in the microwave. However, last week I made an entire meal all by myself, with directions from my boyfriend. He was in class and wanted me to have dinner ready for him by the time he got back. He had a venison roast thawed and wanted it cooked in the oven with potatoes and onion with garlic bread and macaroni and cheese. It turned out really good, but along the way I came across some difficulties. I thought of a few tips for others like me that have not been blessed with the experience of cooking.

1. When pealing potatoes: They can be slippery! Make sure you hold the utensil you are using AWAY from your body and other hand. I came pretty close to slicing my finger.

2. When working with onions: Do not rub your eyes after you have cut an onion. They are really strong. I made the mistake of rubbing my eyes and they burned for about 10 minutes afterward. Not pleasant.

3. When "eyeballing" ingredients: If you think you have put too much of something in to mix (especially a liquid) just roll with it. Trying to scoop out an ingredient is time consuming and it makes a huge mess.

4. While waiting for your meal to cook: Do not get distracted, like looking up videos on Youtube, or going on Facebook. I got so distracted and forgot to flip the meat I was cooking.

5. When pulling contents out of the oven: Everything in there is HOT! The pan is hot. The foil on the pan is hot. The contents are hot. Be very careful! I got a nasty burn on my hand from brushing it just on the grate that holds the pan.

6. Timing is everything: Try to estimate how long each dish is going to take to make. I started my macaroni too soon and it ended up being cold by the time the roast was done.

Some of these things may seem pretty basic, but it would have helped me to know this stuff before I got started.

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