Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haiti Releif?

After the catastrophe in Haiti, many people, including celebrities, have been stepping up to raise money for those in need. Even though this is a very honorable gesture, I find it hard to support.

Our own country has so many people that are being forgotten about. What about people that are living here that don't have enough to eat. What about the millions of people here without homes or health care. What about the single mothers that have to leave their children home alone every day so they can work two minimum wage jobs just to put food on the table?

What even bothers me more, is that our country is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt right now. Our president is still spending money on a war that he promised to get us out of in 8 months. And what are they even fighting for anymore? Does anyone even know? And where is this relief money ACTUALLY going?

Businesses are failing. People are losing their homes. Our country is in an economic ruin. Before we start extending our pockets to help those in other countries, lets focus on our own people first.

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