Sunday, January 31, 2010

Put On Blast By the Ex

My ex-boyfriend and I have been broken up for about a year now. While we were together he always wanted to have his own stand-up routine. Through the wonderful powers of Facebook, about three months ago I found out that he would in fact be performing at a comedy club in Royal Oak. When I found out about it I was tempted to go. My current boyfriend lives just outside of Royal Oak, so it would have been easy for me to make the trip. I refrained, however, for fear of seeing him, his friends, or family. And I'm glad I did!

Last week I was perusing good-old Facebook and saw that he had uploaded his stand-up routine onto Youtube. Curious, I watched. It was littered with immature potty humor and variations of jokes that everyone has heard before. In the background was pitty laughter, and the only person I saw clapping was his mom in the front row. But what got me the most was the bit he had somewhere in the middle. He told the crowd that he was single. That he had broken up with his last girlfriend (me) about a year ago because she had come down with a disease called "WHORE". It was the biggest laugh he got all night.

Needless to say, our relationship had ended on a bad note. I'm not sure if he said that hoping I would see it, or not. If I was in his shoes, I would not want the person I was talking about to know I was talking about them in that way. So, word to the wise, don't put something on the internet that you don't want someone to see. They will find it. Word to the wiser, don't be snooping on your ex's. It will only make you pissed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Vertigo: Not Just a Movie

These past few days I have been feeling very under the weather. My head has been very dizzy and I feel like I have been walking in world that is constantly lopsided. It makes me really tired to do anything simple. Even taking a shower and brushing my teeth has caused the whole room to spin.

I finally went to the doctor yesterday and apparently I have a mean case of vertigo. After my doctor said this I was confused. The only time I even heard of this was when I had to watch the Jimmy Stewart movie in high school.

The symptoms are caused from a problem inside the inner ear that controls balance. From what I understand, everyone has little rocks inside their inner ear that helps with balance. Vertigo occurs when these little rocks get dislodged and float around in spots their not supposed to be, making you feel dizzy and disoriented. It can go away on its own once the rocks get back into place.

I knew I had a couple screws loose, but I thought my rocks were just fine...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Haiti Releif?

After the catastrophe in Haiti, many people, including celebrities, have been stepping up to raise money for those in need. Even though this is a very honorable gesture, I find it hard to support.

Our own country has so many people that are being forgotten about. What about people that are living here that don't have enough to eat. What about the millions of people here without homes or health care. What about the single mothers that have to leave their children home alone every day so they can work two minimum wage jobs just to put food on the table?

What even bothers me more, is that our country is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt right now. Our president is still spending money on a war that he promised to get us out of in 8 months. And what are they even fighting for anymore? Does anyone even know? And where is this relief money ACTUALLY going?

Businesses are failing. People are losing their homes. Our country is in an economic ruin. Before we start extending our pockets to help those in other countries, lets focus on our own people first.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cooking Experience

I cannot cook, plain and simple. The most that I have been able to make is eggs, noodles, and stuff that you throw in the microwave. However, last week I made an entire meal all by myself, with directions from my boyfriend. He was in class and wanted me to have dinner ready for him by the time he got back. He had a venison roast thawed and wanted it cooked in the oven with potatoes and onion with garlic bread and macaroni and cheese. It turned out really good, but along the way I came across some difficulties. I thought of a few tips for others like me that have not been blessed with the experience of cooking.

1. When pealing potatoes: They can be slippery! Make sure you hold the utensil you are using AWAY from your body and other hand. I came pretty close to slicing my finger.

2. When working with onions: Do not rub your eyes after you have cut an onion. They are really strong. I made the mistake of rubbing my eyes and they burned for about 10 minutes afterward. Not pleasant.

3. When "eyeballing" ingredients: If you think you have put too much of something in to mix (especially a liquid) just roll with it. Trying to scoop out an ingredient is time consuming and it makes a huge mess.

4. While waiting for your meal to cook: Do not get distracted, like looking up videos on Youtube, or going on Facebook. I got so distracted and forgot to flip the meat I was cooking.

5. When pulling contents out of the oven: Everything in there is HOT! The pan is hot. The foil on the pan is hot. The contents are hot. Be very careful! I got a nasty burn on my hand from brushing it just on the grate that holds the pan.

6. Timing is everything: Try to estimate how long each dish is going to take to make. I started my macaroni too soon and it ended up being cold by the time the roast was done.

Some of these things may seem pretty basic, but it would have helped me to know this stuff before I got started.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Year Realization

I've noticed these past few weeks that being productive is the key to keeping healthy. My plan for the new year was to completely re-vamp my lifestyle: work out, eat healthy, quit smoking, not drink pop, stay productive, not make myself stressed. Now that the month is almost over, it's pretty much impossible to completely change one's lifestyle all at once.

The first day of the new year, I smoked about half a pack of cigarettes. I really didn't have anything to do, so I wasn't very productive. It seemed that this laziness bred more unhealthy habits: smoking because of boredom, eating because of boredom, sleeping because of boredom. Now that the semester has started, I have the chance to be more active and more productive. I am keeping up on my classes and not getting myself overwhelmed. Because I am not overwhelmed, but still keeping busy, I find that I am not smoking as much. Because I am keeping busy, I don't want to sleep during the day, which leads to better sleeping habits.

I haven't been working out like I had originally planned, and I always have to have a cigarette with my coffee in the morning, but overall I feel better with how this year has been going so far. This is going to be my decade, and I'm gonna keep doing stuff to make it so!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"The Only Thing I Care About is Getting Girls!" (fist pump!!)

I am watching The Jersey Shore for the first time tonight. I've heard a lot about it, but never actually sat down and watched an episode. It makes me wonder what do these people due for a living? How do they make money to go out and party every night? What amuses me is how the characters (and they are characters) go on and on about how much they hate drama, and then continue to create stressful situations for themselves. These kinds of people are the perfect example of shallow, insecure souls who cannot find happiness without consuming obnoxious amounts of substances and meaningless conquests. Is this what we're promoting for our society? Is this what the youth are aspiring to be?

I sit here writing this on a Saturday night. Most people my age are probably going out to a bar (they're weekend routine) and getting hammered. I, on the other hand, would probably be considered "lame" to these people for not going out and joining. Instead I am at home, catching up on homework for next week. This is much more stimulating and satisfying than having the "best time of my life" without being able to remember it the next day. Call me lame, but I'm not going to waste myself.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tune in to Memories

On my way home from class I heard two songs that each made me have a blast from the past. The song was "Taste of Ink" by The Used. It made me think of one of the friends I used to have when I was in high school. She was my very best friend at the time, and I haven't thought about her in years. We had a falling out about some trivial misunderstandings and just never kept in touch. But hearing this song brought back such a vivd memory of us singing to random songs in her den and looking up random things on the internet. I can remember it all clear as day. It just surprised me that it took me that long for me to be reminded.

The other song that I heard brought me back to my first date. It was "Even Flow" by Pearl Jam. I was with a guy that was "everything I wanted"... or so I thought. He was in a band, played the bass guitar and drove a Honda Civic. (I had a weird taste in stuff when I was younger.) Anyway, we had just got out of the movie theatre. We saw Shrek. We were sitting in the car and he put in the Pearl Jam album. Every time I hear "Even Flow" I think of him, and all the anxiety I felt being on that awkward first date comes back.

It's funny how your mind associates the songs to experiences in your life. It makes memories so much clearer. Even if it seems to be the most random event, it must be of some significance if it is still stored in your brain, right? I thought about this quite seriously on my way home tonight. I then proceeded to run over the curb while turning a corner. I guess I should pay more attention.