Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pride and Prejudiced Against Keira Knightly

I'm watching Pride and Prejudice on E! right now. I loved the book but I cannot stand Keira Knightly. I can't stand how she protrudes her jaw whenever she talks. Her "serious" look always consists of her lips slightly separated with her nose stuck up in the air. I never thought she was that great of an actress. Even in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies it was hard for me to watch her. Luckily Johnny Depp's performance made them bearable. It seems that she is the same character in every movie: the young and pretty English girl with a little bit of attitude. Keira is a very pretty woman, which must be why she has been in the movies. I haven't seen her in anything new lately, most likely because she can only be cast in a small amount of roles, since she doesn't have any talent.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Since probably about the sixth grade I've been obsessed with germs and trying not to get sick. Being at school and other public places would really freak me out. I wouldn't want to touch table tops or door handles and I would wash my hands before rubbing my eyes or eating. I've gotten a little less extreme about worrying about getting sick. It does still kind of freaks me out when someone around me coughs without covering their mouths, but I try not to obsess about it. I have a cold right now and the best I can do is prevent others around me from getting sick. I stayed home from work today just so that I would spread my germs to the other people I work with. Most of them are senior citizens and another has a young child. People should just stay home if they are feeling bad. Don't spread your illnesses!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's the Final Countdown of the Semester

I feel pretty proud of myself this semester. I would usually put off all of my work until the last minute, but I've been pretty on top of it (for the most part). I've found that for myself, the longer I put it off, the less I want to do it. I think this semester was better for me because I took classes that I actually interested me. I do much better with the writing aspect of media. Last semester I took Intro to Video Production and it was probably the hardest class I've ever taken It was even worse than the math and science class I had! I know that learning about editing and cameras is going to benefit me for my career, but it doesn't interest me at all. I would much rather write or be a talent for a production. I wish there were more classes that focused on that aspect of the media.

Highlights? Help me decide! : )

I'm thinking about getting my hair highlighted for the summer. I've never had it colored before, so I'm kind of nervous about it. A friend of a friend is currently in cosmetology school and can do it fairly cheaply. She's in the "advanced" course and is close to getting her certificate, but I'm really particular about my hair. I've been seeing my normal hair stylist for about two years and we've been talking about coloring my hair for quite some time. I would almost feel guilty giving my business to my friend's friend. Plus, my current stylist knows what I like and has a lot more experience. I am a firm believer of the saying "You get what you pay for," but money is kind of tight. What to do, what to do?
(This is what I want it to look like)

Pay It Forward (Spoiler Alert)

I watched Pay It Forward for a little bit today. The theme of this movie is that anyone can make a difference, whether you're a child, or an adult. You never know that if what you do or what you say effects others. It has to be one of my favorite movies of all time. I love the concept that a seventh-grader can come up with an idea that changes the world for the better. I think some of the best ideas come from or are inspired by the purity of children. The only aspect of this movie that I just can't understand is why Trevor has to die in the end. Maybe it's supposed to represent the loss of the purity of children? I just don't see how this reflects the overall message of the picture.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Writing for Television

After reading the first few chapters of our TV writing book, I've been thinking about which show I would like to write for if I had the choice. I realized that about 80 percent of the shows I watch on a regular basis are from the 90's and have been off the air for years. I love shows like Seinfeld, Married With Children, Sex in the City, and Everyone Loves Raymond. The only other show I really watch is Lost, but that show has a definite ending and there will be no way to come up with a concept.

The other 20 percent of my television watching is (sadly) reality TV. Now I'm sure that a lot of the situations and scenarios are scripted, but they are all very similar. I don't know how to be a writer for a reality TV show. Actually, I don't think I would want to.

The reason I've been thinking about this is because I have a strong feeling that our next assignment will be to write a script or a spec script. I want to have a few ideas so I'm not struggling to think of something when it gets closer to the end.

Love Is Love

I saw on TV a storyline about a homosexual man who was in a relationship with the man of his dreams. He had told his parents about the relationship, but his partner had not. The partner told his parents that he found the love of his life, but that it was another man. The partner's family told him that he must cut off all ties with his boyfriend or else they would not continue to support him financially, whether it be for school, transportation, or even to stay at the home.

I don't understand how a family can treat their child in this manner. To me, it doesn't matter who you love, as long as you are honest and true about it. I would not disown my son or daughter if they told me they had fallen in love with someone of the same sex. I understand that religious affiliation is a big part of this. To me, it's more important to have an open mind and live a good life... but that's a whole other blog topic.

I think people are most afraid of what is different culturally at the time. For example, when my grandparents were dating, there was a huge stigma on their relationship. My grandmother was raised Jewish, my grandfather Catholic. Her family frowned down upon her relationship, but they made it work.

Hopefully the next generation will be more accepting of people who are different or do not fall into their box of what is acceptable. Everyone just needs to open their minds and their hearts and love each other.