Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Since probably about the sixth grade I've been obsessed with germs and trying not to get sick. Being at school and other public places would really freak me out. I wouldn't want to touch table tops or door handles and I would wash my hands before rubbing my eyes or eating. I've gotten a little less extreme about worrying about getting sick. It does still kind of freaks me out when someone around me coughs without covering their mouths, but I try not to obsess about it. I have a cold right now and the best I can do is prevent others around me from getting sick. I stayed home from work today just so that I would spread my germs to the other people I work with. Most of them are senior citizens and another has a young child. People should just stay home if they are feeling bad. Don't spread your illnesses!


  1. I totally agree, If your sick stay home. I just wish teachers and employer would be more leant to these things. To many days you might lose your job or even fail a course.

  2. I agree about staying home from work. However, most places of employment don't care. Even my job at the hospital is full of hypocrites. They want you to stay home if you are sick, but force you to come to work if you don't have any sick time.

    Speaking about my job, I have grown into the habit of using any hand alcohol dispenser. I always use the ones in the hall at LTU. Someone called me a germaphobe once for using them, but I explained that I'm just used to it because of my job.

    Speaking about germaphobes, I continue to spam this guy's videos:
    This is a song he wrote called "Germaphobe." He has been in quarantine for TB for over 100 days now.
